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Office Furniture: How High Should a Desk Be? - Rapport Furniture

Office Furniture: How High Should a Desk Be?

Office furniture plays a crucial role in productivity and overall health.

By investing in good quality office furniture that takes ergonomics into account, you are setting yourself up for success and avoiding numerous health issues that can stem from poor posture and straining yourself for hours as you work on the computer.

One of the main parts of good office furniture is the desk you use.

The height, dimensions, and size of a desk plays a big role in determining your comfort as you work. So how do you determine the best height for your desk?

Standard desk dimensions 

The standard desk is usually 29 to 30 inches (74 to 76 centimeters) in height. The most common dimensions for standing desks are 48, 60, and 72 in. (122, 152 and 183 cm) wide and 24, 30 and 36 in. (61, 76 and 91 cm) deep.

However, a standard height will not perform the same for everyone as heights and sizes of every individual ranges widely. Whether you are using a monitor or a laptop, the optimal height for your screen should be at eye level and at arm’s length.   

How Do You Determine the Correct Height of a Desk? 3 Simple Steps

  1. The quickest and simplest way to determine the optimal height for your desk is to begin by sitting in a relaxed position, with your back against the back of your chair. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle to ensure the best position for blood flow.
  2. If your chair has arm rests, make sure that they are at a height where your arms are positioned comfortably at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Sitting in a relaxed position with your arms either on your armrests or simply parallel to your thighs at a 90-degree angle, measure the distance from the floor to the bottom of your elbow. This is the height that your desk should be adjusted to.

You might have to slightly adjust yourself for the most comfort. Ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed to avoid any muscle tension or strain.

Standing desks

For standing desks, make sure to position yourself in a similar way by standing in a relaxed stance that keeps your back straight and does not strain your shoulders, knees, or neck. Position your elbows in a 90-degree angle and raise the desk to meet the height of your elbow. 

Office Chair Height 

While desks are important, the chair that you use is equally as essential to creating the best work environment. There is no one-size fits all approach for chairs, but there are ways to determine the best one for yourself and your needs.

The best office chairs will be adjustable so that you can reconfigure it until you are seated in a neutral position, where your feet are flat on the floor, and your hips, shoulders, and ears are lined up.

Think about creating 90-degree angles with your knees and elbows. Some experts recommend mesh backs for breathability, while others prefer extra padding for back support. Ultimately, the choice is yours. The most important feature is adjustability to ensure that the chair is perfectly suited to your height.

Choosing the Right Office Furniture is Important 

Having the correct furniture for your office is crucial to prevent straining, tension, and pain. Let's take a look at the following factors:

- Comfort

The right furniture will increase productivity and reduce stress because it prioritizes comfort and practicality. Comfortable employees will feel far more motivated to work in contrast to those who are experiencing back pain and straining.

- Ergonomics

This focuses on creating the best fitting environment for employees through the furniture that they use. Factoring in ergonomics when purchasing office furniture is crucial because it will prevent injury and emphasize proper posture.

With most workdays spanning eight hours, this can add up over the years and have serious health ramifications if not taken seriously from the get-go.

- Increased blood circulation

Sitting in a sedentary position for eight hours a day, every day is bound to have issues on your health if you don’t take the right steps to prioritize your health and wellness. Poor blood circulation can lead to depression, heart disease and back pain.

- Long-term use

Buying good quality furniture will not only prevent risking your health but will also ensure that you are saving money in the long run. Investing in good furniture will last you for years to come, saving you another trip to the store. 

What to Avoid When Buying Office Furniture

  • Avoid buying cheap chairs and desks made out of poor materials. These will only waste your money and time.
  • While online shopping is quick and convenient, take your time to research by referring to reviews. If possible, testing out chairs in-store is a good way to get a feel for how the chair might perform.
  • Avoid having a one-size fits all approach to furniture. A type of desk might work for your coworker but might not suit your height.
  • Don’t make the mistake of avoiding adjustments because it’s too much of a hassle or too difficult. Adjusting your furniture to the right height should only take a few minutes but can make a lifetime of a difference.


  • Don’t forget about taking breaks in between. Even if you have an ergonomic set up that is optimal for your height, taking a quick 5-minute break to stretch or relax can make a big difference on your body and mental health.

Bottom Line

The right office furniture will support you in comfort and in practicality. Taking the time to invest in good quality furniture that is well-crafted and ergonomically designed will make all the difference in your productivity throughout the workday.

By following these tips, you can create a workspace that prioritizes your health, safety, and comfort.

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